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A'ndrea Hyde

Vice President

A'ndrea Hyde


A'ndrea Hyde

Andrea is the Vice-President of MACA and has been attending and/or on the Board for over 15 years. Her roles on the Board have been Membership, Training & Education, and Fund-Raising. Currently, she is the Chair of the Fund-Raising Committee working with a wonderful group of team players. Andrea is employed full-time with Gateway Foundation, Inc. at the Women’s Eastern Regional Diagnostic Corrections Center (WERDCC) in Vandalia, MO. She has been with Gateway as a CRADC CCJP, Counselor II for 24 years. Her roles include assessments, treatment planning, case management, individual counseling, and program facilitator for all Court Ordered Disciplined women that come into WERDCC. Andrea’s passion is helping others see the joy of recovery and the hope for a better, happier life. Andrea loves her job, so she never has to work, she gets to work’. She enjoys being a part of this wonderful organization as well as part of a fantastic team. As always Andrea always says, “Make It Sparkle” and Everyone does!!!

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